Commercial Power Washing
Commercial property owners and managers know how important first impressions are for their business. Nobody wants a dirty or grimy-looking business exterior to be the first thing customers see. At Double A Power Washing, it’s our business to keep your business looking clean and inviting.
Commercial properties get dirty, fast! This makes it important to hire a fast and reliable exterior cleaning company, like Double A Power Washing, which offers a wide range of Hot Water pressure cleaning services day or night for businesses across Michiana. Browse our selection of pressure washing services below and discover what Double A Power Washing can do to improve your business’s appearance.
Give your business that like-new look with our building & restaurant exterior washing service. Don’t let a customer’s first impression be a dirty exterior. Rely on our professionals at Double A Power Washing to get your building sparkling again. Using our Hot Water pressure cleaning solution, our team removes dirt and grime that accumulates on building exteriors leaving it fresh and ready to make that all important first impression.
Some messes—like graffiti and gum—aren’t so easy to clean and can leave a business looking dirty or unprofessional. While you might want to save some money and remove it yourself, these stubborn stains aren’t easy to remove. Luckily, our experts at Double A Power Washing have the tools, solutions and experience needed to remove those stubborn stains with ease through the use of our hot water pressure cleaning system.
Does your business’s parking lot, drive-thru lane, dumpster lane or sidewalk need a refresh? Over time, moisture from rain and snow can leave these areas of your business looking dirty and grimy. Unfortunately, moisture and shade create the perfect conditions for black and green algae to grow. These types of algae grow in wet, dark conditions, causing your concrete to look discolored and worn down. Our experts at Double A Power Washing have the solution: hot water pressure cleaning. Our tools and cleaning solutions cut through algae, removing it from concrete, which leaves your concrete looking great, so the second a customer steps on the property, they are greeted with a clean, professional exterior.
While awnings on your building add appeal to your business’s exterior, they also accumulate dirt and grim quickly. This accumulation of dirt causes awnings to look weathered, discolored, or old. Luckily, our specialists are experienced in awning cleaning and will provide the tools and cleaning solutions needed to get those awnings looking fresh and new. Combine this commercial cleaning service with any of our other commercial cleaning services to boost your business’s exterior appeal and make it more inviting for your customers.

We provide expert commercial power washing services to businesses, schools and municipalities in St. Joseph County, Elkhart County, and Cass County. Check out our complete list of areas we serve, and if you aren’t sure if your business is in our service area, give us a call!
We offer the following cleaning services for your Michiana restaurant or business:
- Building & Restaurant Exteriors
- Graffiti & Gum Removal
- Concrete Cleaning
- Awning Cleaning
Double A Power Washing is considered the best exterior commercial cleaning company for our expert technicians and the quality care we provide for our customers:
- Our locally owned and operated power washing business has been accredited by The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
- Power Washers of North America (PWNA) has recognized us as a certified contractor.
- We believe in fair and honorable practices and pledge to maintain the highest ethical standards.
- We are fully insured for all the work we do to give you extra peace of mind.
- From Mishawaka, Indiana to Cassopolis, Michigan and every town in the in between, our team always cleans with perfection in mind!
Commercial Power Washing Customer Reviews